Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sexual Content in Marketing Free Essay Example, 5000 words

Researchers attempted to elucidate the sexual content portrayed in advertisements and showed that it would sexually appeal to the general public by adopting a Nomothetic4 approach from the former idiographic foundations. Whilst introducing sexual content from a historically comparative view, dismembering sexual content into various forms, such as; nudity, sexual behavior, contextual effects, sexual referents, and symbolism. This retrospective data confers ideas that marketing industries are increasingly trying to imbue consumers directly; by increasing the level of eroticism in their ads. They are also trying to reach this potential by varying their sexually oriented methods that facilitate their intrusion in the consumer s life. Erotic visual representations of people have been increasing (Soley Kurzbard, 1986) whilst earning the connotation of being the main protagonist towards the perpetration of sexual content in advertisements (Gould, 1994). Sexual visual depictions are a comm on measure of sexual content since they also account for sexual content to carry-out cross-cultural studies (Biswas, Olsen, Carlet, 1992; Cheng, 1997). Recent analyses of the respondents identification of sex in advertisements showed that they overwhelmingly described as visual aspects of ads (Reichert Ramirez, 2000). We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Content in Marketing or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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