Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Amazing Cell Essay - 776 Words

Cells are the essential component of life, comprised of billions of molecules. Molecules such as DNA, lipids, proteins, RNA, glycans, and small molecules that have defined molecular properties and biological activities. Every cell has the ability to respond to its environment and to communicate with other cells to create organs, tissues, and whole organisms. Cell and Molecular Biology is a field that bridges the fields of chemistry, structure and biology as it pursues to comprehend life and cellular developments at the molecular level. It’s important to determine the mechanisms that allow cells to have distinguished properties and synchronize the activities that form the vital structures which define a living cell. This will, one day, be†¦show more content†¦Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates can be utilized as fuels in cellular respiration. During the process of photosynthesis, light penetrates the cell and passes into the chloroplast. The energy from the light is int ercepted by chlorophyll molecules on the granal stacks. Some of the energy is transformed to chemical energy. During this process, a phosphate is added to a molecule to cause the formation of ATP. The third phosphate chemical bond contains the new chemical energy. The life of eukaryotic cells is characterized by a cell cycle with two major phases. These phases are known as call division and interphase. During cell division, the nucleus divides. This process is called mitosis. The divided nuclei are then established in separate cells. This process is called cytokinesis. The process in which Prokaryotic cells reproduce is called binary fission. During the interphase, the cell takes in nutrients, grows, and duplicates its chromosomes. In the cell the DNA is enclosed within the cytoplasm in a circular chromosome called a plasmid. The replication of the chromosome begins the reproductive process. The new chromosome attaches itself to the plasma membrane and the two chromosomes migrate to opposite ends of the cell. In the center of the cell, the plasma membrane grows inward until it closes. This separates the cell into two compartments. Each compartment contains a full complement of genetic material. The cell then splits at the center, establishingShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Seminar Talk Summary903 Words   |  4 Pagescervical cancer cells. We learned that the beginning of the research was based mainly on the ATP and calcium in cells and how they could be used or manipulated for transport and permeabilization used to get drugs into cells and were faced with the question if this could have a therapeutic effect. The research was soon focused onto the P2x and P2y receptors of the cell, which are ion channels activated by ATP. 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