Monday, February 24, 2020

Global capitalism is the primary cause of world hunger. Discuss Essay

Global capitalism is the primary cause of world hunger. Discuss - Essay Example Communism is the only alternative that had been in place before capitalism was, communism basically refers to an economic system where the state had total control over the means of production and also the distribution of goods, the state determined how much of each good would be produced and for whom. Basically an economic system aims to answer 3 questions i.e. what to produce, whom to produce and how to produce, in communist states these questions were tackled by the state where the government formed certain bodies for each industry and these bodies would conduct a thorough research to determine the answers to the three economic questions, this kind of an economic system ensured that every one would get an equal share of the goods produced and there would be parity in the levels of income for the whole population. The thing that was lacking in this form of a system was that it did not cater to growth, people who were willing to work harder than the others did not get a reward for th e work they would do and hence there was no place for individualism in this economic system, this was indeed a major draw back of communism because people did not want to cater for the whole society they wanted personal benefit which was almost impossible to gain from this economic system. The assumption of communism that people are usually good and want others to benefit was not an appropriate one because people are generally selfish and want to flourish as individuals rather than every one having the same rights and income. Another draw back of this system was that it was costly to determine the prices of goods in the market because there were committees formed to determine the prices and this was not an effective method because these committees did not work for free and hence there was an extra cost that had to be paid in this system, therefore the prices of the goods were pushed up to cater to the expenses attached with the committees set up in this type of an economic

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