Saturday, February 8, 2020

Relation between Race and Social Inequality in the United States Assignment

Relation between Race and Social Inequality in the United States - Assignment Example The original grouping of people into races was valid as a taxonomy concept. There were different races such as Negroid, Caucasians, Asiatic, Polynesians, Xanthochroi and so on (Lewis, 1990). The term Ethnicity refers to the imaginary, informal and formal groupings that are made to club people with certain common features such as geographic location, language, religion and so on. Accordingly, we have people from different ethnicities such as Arabs, Jews, Whites, Hispanic, African Americans, Asians and so on. An ethnic group may have people from different races, religions and physical features (Omni, 1986). The terms race and ethnicity by themselves are innocuous and can be regarded as medical and sociological terms. However, unfortunately, dominant whites in USA started using these terms in a derogatory and insulting manner in the early 17th century, leading to the beginning of social inequalities. The white settlers of USA began treating the native Indians as mentally and socially inferior who were not worthy of being considered as human. This was a deliberate attempt to grab the lands of the native Indians by branding them as worthless and socially inferior to the whites. Later when the plantations came up, Africans were brought into the country as slaves. The dominant whites then usurped the rights of their slaves, calling them racially inferior beings that were fit to work only as slaves. Social inequality is more archaic since it allows the dominant race members to practice discrimination against people of their own race and ethnicity. Therefore, it can be expected that a rich wh ite would discriminate against a poor white, but not with as much severity as he would discriminate against a poor African American (Oliver, 1997). The proliferation of race and ethnicity has unfortunately given rise to racism, racial stereotyping and other ills. African Americans or blacks are regarded as

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